When R World was created, we were very pleased to form a partnership with the High Five Club (H5C), a small charity which works hand in hand with impoverished communities living in wildlife areas of Africa. (See our development section for more information about the H5C). We know that by working with the H5C, all money donated will go straight to those in need.
This year we were aiming to provide a bursary to a Nottingham University Masters Degree student to carry out some dissertation research in Zambia, however due to the COVID situation, this has not been possible to arrange. Instead we have diverted these funds so that we can assist the H5C with their work in Malawi where they are working with their long-term community partner: the Brown Munthali Foundation
The H5C was able to raise enough funds to build a school and pay for the text books needed, but there was no money left to pay for the teachers (shown in the picture) who are currently working for free. We are so pleased that the R World grant will almost completely fund monthly salaries for five community teachers for one year from April 1st, 2022!
It is so rewarding to hear what a difference this new school has made in the community.